The 2019 MTA Spring Meeting was held at the Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area in Columbia on Saturday, March 30th. There was a very good attendance, well over the quorum of forty. Besides the regular business, there were a few things that were talked about and discussed. Fur Auctions Chairman, Justin Elliott, gave his report on the fur auction that was held last February in Montgomery City, click here for the results. Next years auction will be held again at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Montgomery City on February 22, 2020.

The Publications Chairman, Albert Hemple, reported on the MTA's newsletter, the Missouri Mountain Man. The newsletter report deadline is June 15th for the next issue.

The Rules and Regulations Chairman, Daryl Dameron, had some very good news to report for the Missouri trappers. A few proposals that was brought up and voted on by the MTA, such as the proposal to have snares half submerged in water and the proposal to allow traps and snares on drowning systems to be run on a 48 hour check. The Rules and Regulations Committee presented these proposals to the Conservation Commission of the Missouri Department of Conservation and they decided in favor of the proposals. These regulation changes will not go into effect until March 1, 2020.
There is another proposal that will will later be brought in front of the Conservation Commission, and that is the proposal to extend the season for mink, bobcat and coyote to February 20th. The reason for this proposal is to make it legal to keep incidental mink that may get caught in muskrat sets. Bobcat pelts are generally still prime this time of year as well as very abundant here in Missouri, and coyote trapping until this time of year can help in some wildlife management such as deer fawn recruitment. I will report on the outcome of this when the time comes.
There was also some talk about free permits for those who are 65 years of age and older. For various reasons, it was decided by the Commission to be tabled at this time. I will report later on the outcome.

2019 is an election year and the following people so far have accepted there nominations for officers:
President - Clay Creech
Vise President - Charles Samuels
Secretary - Bob Scarlett
Treasurer - Ann Scarlett
NTA Director - Rick Friedrich
Conservation Director - Justin Elliott
Nominations from members will go through June 30th. Send you nominations in writing to the Nominations and Elections Chairman, Gene Whyte, 307 Hensley Street, Montgomery City, MO 63361. His phone number is (573) 590-0665.

NTA Director, Rick Friedrich reported on the upcoming National Trappers Association's convention, that will be held at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds in Springfield, Missouri on July 11th through the 13th. It is going to take a lot of planning and work to pull this event off. Volunteers are greatly needed. If youi would like to take a part in pulling off this event, contact Rick Friedrich at (660) 621-2131 or friedrichr@missouri.edu.
On another note, Rick is running for president of the National Trappers Association. Rick will be a great asset leading the NTA. Rick has a long history for backing up and supporting trappers, not only in Missouri, but also on a national level as the Conservation Director of the NTA. Rick is very passionate in his endeavors working for the trapper and he would appreciate your vote at the convention.

On a final note, Pageant Chairman, Keith Voss reported on some of the activities going on with Miss Missouri, Katelyn Lewis and Miss Missouri Rodeo, Kaitlyn Ayers in which the MTA sponsors both. It was made known that Tommy Alexander and Charles Samuels, both donated a substantial amount of tanned fur to make vests for future pageant queens. A big "thank you" goes out to them.