Best Management Practices
In 1996, the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies began one of the most ambitious research projects in the history of the conservation movement: a program to develop best management practices (BMPs) for regulated trapping.
The BMP program aims to evaluate animal welfare, identify efficient tools and techniques, and develop recommendations for state fish and wildlife agencies to consider as an element of their wildlife management programs.
Based on sound science and research, BMPs were created as a practical application in the complex situations encountered in the field. BMPs have been used successfully in conservation activities such as water quality programs and forest management.
Regulated trapping is a necessary and effective wildlife management tool, and wildlife professionals across the country believe that trapping BMPs will ensure the continued improvement of this management technique.
Experts from all 50 state fish and wildlife agencies and other conservation groups that care about the environment, natural resources, and animal welfare are working together to improve and modernize the technology of trapping through scientific research.
Information provided by Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
BMPs for Trapping in the United States
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Introduction to BMPs
American Badger
American Marten
Canada Lynx
Coyote in Eastern U.S.
Coyote in Western U.S.
Gray Fox
Red Fox
River Otter
Striped Skunk
Swift/Kit Fox