The Missouri Trappers Training Academy (MTTA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit division of the Missouri Trappers Association, will be having it's 5th annual fundraising banquet on April 14 at the Litton Ag Center in Chillicothe
Doors will open at 5:00PM with dinner starting at 6:00 PM. There will be a live auction, silent auction, and gun raffle. Meal tickets are $25.00. Raffle tickets for an American Tactical Omni Hybrid AR in .223 Cal. can be purchased for $25.00. More firearms may be added as they come in and tickets for those items will be sold the night of the event. Small bucket raffle tickets are 25 tickets for $25.00. Please purchase your tickets early by sending payment to the MTTA Treasurer, Ann Scarlet, 628 N. Sturgeon, Montgomery City, MO 63361 by March 15th. For more information, please contact Charles Samuels, District #8 Director and event coordinator at 660-725-4602.